ODMA is a public company limited by guarantee and subject to an annual audit. Our Constitution is available here.
Code of Conduct
The ODMA Members Code of Conduct was unanimously adopted in October 2010. Before adopting the Code members were given several opportunities to submit feedback and a number of amendments were made from the original draft. You can download the current code here.
Sunglass Issues
In 2010, following a review of the Associations guiding sunglasses industry matters within Australia, a vote was passed unanimously to dissolve the old Sunglass Association of Australia and bring sunglass issues under the auspices of ODMA.
The key reason for this was to consolidate energies on sunglass issues. Sunglass representation will benefit from using ODMA’s infrastructure and resources to more effectively attack key sunglass issues and perhaps grow the industry and provide compliance education through better consumer awareness.
Within the new structure, Tim McCann relinquishes the Presidency of the former Sunglass Association and moves to a position ex-officio ODMA Board to address specific Sunglass matters. Lionel Minter (MIMO) and Brad Saffin (General Optical) are elected ODMA Board members and manage sunglass operations in their own right. Whilst ODMA campaigns strongly on sunglass industry matters, Tim, Lionel and Brad with Amanda Trotman (Chief Executive – ODMA) will provide an increased focus on sunglass issues. This initiative introduced some thirty ODMA members into the ongoing discussions on sunglass standard compliance and other industry matters.
All sunglass related correspondence will continue to be directed through Tim Mc Cann at timm@gibimp.com.au
For further information contact:
Tim McCann
General Manager
Gibson Importing (Aust) Pty Ltd
Tel 03 9581 3666
E: timm@gibimp.com.au